I remember when M was a baby and she would be screaming in the store, there was usually an older person that would tell me to enjoy this time, because they grow up so fast. Now I must admit that I don't miss having a screaming infant in the store that can't tell me what is wrong with them. But it is so true that they grow up so fast. K now sleeps in a big boy bed and M asked to get her ears perced today. Well, she asked awhile ago how they pierce your ears. When I explained it to her she told me that she didn't want her ears pierced until she was a mommy. But we are going to Disneyland next week and she told me that she wanted Minnie Mouse earings. I told her that unless she got her ears pierced, she didn't need earings. So she asked to get them pierced today. M is learning how to read and K asks at least once a day if he can go potty in the big potty. My babies are growing up! It is bitter sweet. I love to watch them grow, but I miss holding them in my arms while they slept. I love having kids, they are the best! They make my life so happy!
3 years ago