Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Monday?

This is what I heard this morning:
M-Hey K go put this car in the toliet
Alas I was too late to stop the car from finding a spot at the bottom of the toliet. Why?! That is all I ask, Why?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sous chef of the family

I love that she is wearing her Cinderella shoes with her apron and hat.

M the Sous chef. (Is that right? Sous?) The other day M asked for her dress up box. I thought she would come out wearing a princess dress. Instead she came out and asked me what I wanted to eat. She "made" me mac and cheese with hot chocolate. I ask you, who wouldn't want to eat that for lunch?!


So, when B got home from work the other night, K put his shoes on. I ran to get the camera because we have a picture of M wearing daddy's shoes too. When I asked K to smile, he threw his hands in the air and yelled,"CHEESE!" Now you may be wondering why there seems to be a lack of pants. Well, we are in the process of potty training. I had heard that potty training a boy was a lot harder than potty training a girl. I don't know if I agree. K is doing awesome! I think what I like the best is that he doesn't wet his bed (knock on wood!) Instead, if he needs to go at night he knocks on his bedroom door until I come get him and take him potty. He goes potty and then goes back to sleep. So far he has gotten it a lot faster than M did. Hooray for big boys and no more diapers!

Race for the cure

B and I were able to go run the race for the cure a couple weekends ago. I thought that I would have to do what I like to call a "jogal" A jogal is where I jog/walk. The reason I didn't think that I would be able to run is because I blew out both of my knees right after high school, had surgery and haven't really been able to run since. I had yet another testimony builder that Heavenly Father loves me and answers my prayers. I had been praying that I would be able to run the whole race. We were running it for our mom that has breast cancer, so I wanted to run it for her. We started the race and I started out jogging. I thought that I would have to stop soon, but I was able to run the whole thing! B and I finished the 3.1 mile race in 31 minutes. I know that isn't like we are from Kenya or anything, but I was so thankful that Heavenly Father let me run the whole race without any knee pain! I am so thankful for our health and that we were able to go run in honor of all those who are too sick to run for themselves. We love you mom!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hooray for good deals!

I like to think of myself as a pretty thrifty shopper. I love when I can go into a store ( Old Navy) and find a long sleeved shirt for a killer deal (.97). So you can imagine my joy when I checked the mail the other day and our local JC Penny had sent out another $10 off any purchase of $10 or more. Dear husband was in terrible need of a new Sunday shirt. So yesterday we went to JC Penny and found a Sunday shirt that was originaly $42.50 on sale for $18. Then we found a tie that was originaly $30.00 on sale for $2.97. Yes you read right $2.97 for a tie. We happily took the shirt and tie to the register thinking that we would pay $8 for the shirt(thanks to our $10 off!) and $3 for the tie. Well, the tie actually only rang up for $1.48! I could have leaned over and kissed the clerk, but I decided that would be more than a little awkward. Our total with tax was $10.63, but we saved $62.54! Sweet! Thank you JC Penny for making it so we had enough money left over that husband and I were able to go get a jamba juice!