Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Here is the proof the world needs that men are just little boys trapped in big awkward bodies that they don't really know what to do with. I was in the kitchen making dinner when I looked over and saw this. B had gone and picked up one of K's helicopters and was playing with it. Now, I'm not talking about playing with it to keep K happy. No, he was playing with it and truly enjoying himself! K has a space shuttle too and B was explaining to him how all the different flying machines work. How they land, what they sound like, if they can hover or not. What I want to know is how boys know this stuff? I'm pretty sure that B has never taken a class on flying machines. At least I've never written a paper for such a class and that is a pretty good indicator that such a class has not been taken. Even as a baby, a little boy will know a car sound and that it is supposed to roll on the ground. Anyway, my only regret about this picture is that I took it too soon. Right after I took this picture, B started to make the flying sound just like K is doing. If only I had waited another second to snap the picture! Oh well, this one is pretty good, even if it is only K making the sounds.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pretty cool part II

B couldn't stand the thought of being showed up by his little girl. So when he saw her do a back flip, he too
 needed to do one. Here he is ready for take off
 Flipping over
 and then landing safely.
 I think that this was the best idea I had in a long time. I wanted both of them to do it at the same time.
 I love this picture! I love that she is looking at him and I love that we timed it right that they are flipping at the same time.
Watching these two crazies was fun. It was fun because I didn't have to get in the freezing cold hotel water. I just got to be the picture taker. It was fun because I didn't have to defy death. I got to keep both feet planted firmly on the ground and just avoid the splashes!

Pretty cool part 1

We went to the temple this weekend. B didn't have school on Friday because he had been on call Thursday night. We left Friday morning to go up to the temple. We decided to stay in a hotel because, although it is do-able to go up and back to the temple in one day, it just isn't very fun. So we found a cheap hotel and stayed the night. Both B and I were able to do a session on Friday. It was so awesome to be in the temple! We've been really blessed and have been able to make it to the temple every month this year. We have had to do it in one day before. The drive time makes it so only one of us can do a session and the other one has to do initiatory's or baptism's. Anyway, going up and planning on staying made it so we both got to do a session. It was awesome! Well, after we both got done and we had done dinner, we went swimming. The pool at the hotel had a deep end. M loved diving in that end. She taught herself how to do a back flip. I think it looks so awesome!

I love that in this picture, she has a huge smile on her face! She loved flipping over and over again. Which is good since I needed her to do it several times so that I could get all the pictures I needed.


All I know is that there is no way I can do this! I don't know where her absolute lack of fear comes from. I remember when I was younger that I was truly a wimp and would never have had the courage to do this. I have other pictures to put on of flipping events, but I'll have to do it later. My fasting stomach is calling, so I'm off to my duty's in the kitchen!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A few of my favorite things

Can I just say that the new blogger layout is NOT one of my favorite things?! I find it extremely annoying. I don't like that I can't find anything anymore. Truly it makes me a little bit crazy. Anyway, enough about that. For awhile now I have been thinking that I need to sit down and write about a few of my favorite things. I've been putting it off because I didn't know how I would find pictures to go along with some my favorite things. Take for example hiccups. I.Love.them! I only get them about once a year and if I say anything to acknowledge said hiccups, they will immediately go away. So I cannot even celebrate out loud that I have them. What about a picture of sneezing? I don't have one of myself sneezing, thank goodness! But even more thankfully, I don't have a picture of anyone else sneezing either. I love the build up before the sneeze comes. I love the build of anticipation and then I love when it happens! Oh my it just makes me so happy! What about fresh cut grass?! Well actually it's not the fresh cut grass that I love. I actually find that rather annoying because if you step in in, it turns your shoe green. It's the smell that I love! I actually think it's a combination of the fumes from the lawn mower and the cut grass that just makes me gitty. I can't forget the smell of wet dirt! I'm not talking about mud. I am talking about dirt when it gets wet. Like when you wash a potato when it still has the skin on it and you get to smell the wet dirt. It may be one of the best smells on the planet! I'm pretty sure that if there was an air freshener that was the wet dirt smell, I would buy it. I just love the sound of a onesie in the dryer. I love when the little metal snaps hit the side. I also love the sound of a dishwasher washing dishes. Truly those sounds just fill me with such glee! Now you may be thinking that I am really weird and that you are considering denying that you ever knew me. I don't blame you at all! I am a little odd and I blame it on the fact that when I was a wee little lass I fell out of the shopping cart not once, not twice, but three times at the same store in the same shopping trip. I didn't just fall out either, I fell out onto my head! So, that's where the strangeness comes from. Moving on! There is one thing that is my absolute favorite thing that I'm pretty sure I couldn't live without. I do happen to have a picture, so here you go!

He is for sure my favorite "thing" in the whole entire world! I know that it's so so cheesy to say, but it is 100% the truth! Today marks the day of being together for 13 years! He is my best friend and my better half. I cannot imagine life without him. You can ask our sweet little kiddos. Try as I may, I just am not as happy when he isn't around. He is that calm one and can get me to chill out when I have asked close to 700 times for the three toys to be picked up off the floor & put away but they are still laying there and our sweet sweet children are saying,"I didn't hear you!" (Sure they didn't!) He is a rock star and always remembers to make time for me even though he is so busy. He makes me laugh and trys to understand why it is that I am crying for absolutely no reason at all. I love him and am so thankful that he's mine for ever, for always and no matter what!