The other week we went swimming. Last summer we were so good about going pretty often, but this summer has already gone by so fast that I feel like we haven't had time to go. Thankfully, because let's be honest, I really don't like swimming. I think the water is too cold all of the time. Unless the water is in the low 100's then it's far too cold. I digress, we did make it to the pool a couple weeks ago. Of course we took our camera. We got some pretty awesome pictures of little B. Don't worry folks, they'll come with commentary.
"What's that?"
"Oh! Can you hear it?"
"Did you see that? It's a big truck! Look, there it goes!"
"Hi daddy! I guess I'll jump in since you've been waiting so patiently!
"AAAGH! Daddy, you missed!"
"Are you crazy?! I haven't been alive for very long, but I've been alive long enough to know not to do that again!"
Funny right?! Well, needless to say, he hasn't been too wild about the idea of large bodies of water. Truth, even the bath has lost it's charm. Today was a perfect day to pull out the sprinkler. Even before the pool mishap, little B has been wary of the cold water that shoots out of the sprinkler. I didn't put on his swim suit because he usually just walks around pointing at everything and saying,"what's that?" M and K were running around like hooligans. They pulled out the buckets and were throwing water all over each other and themselves. If one of them accidentally got a few drops of water on him, he would squawk in protest. Then to my total shock, M picked little B up and put him in a bucket half filled with ice cold water, shoes and all. I thought he would freak out. He didn't. He stood there for a minute acclimating and then,
He took the plunge! The poor thing was so hot that he loved sitting in the bucket! He loved having his own personal swimming pool! After a while M walked by and decided to take his shirt off.
"Ah! This is heaven in a bucket!"
I wanted to take a picture that showed that he still had his diaper and shoes on. He loved spending time in his own little bucket. I'm pretty sure that he was thinking,"Who needs the pool?! This is perfect!"
To say that we're all enamored with this little guy is putting it lightly!