Heavenly Father is so awesome! I know I've said it before and I know I'll say it again, but I think it's truly amazing that He who controls the universe is always so aware of us. He knew that on a hot, humid morning we were at the park trying to get this kid to smile, so he helped us know how to do it. If that's not a miracle, I don't know what is!
Since his picture is up, let's talk about how awesome he is. K is so sweet and doesn't want anyone to feel bad. One night at dinner little B wasn't eating so we cleared his plate and got him down from the table. Little B was fine and walked away. I heard a sniffle and noticed that K was crying. I asked what was wrong and he said,"I just feel bad for B! He's going to be so hungry by breakfast." For K to be sweet like that is not abnormal. He got a pack of gum for his birthday, favorite present since I HATE when little's have gum so we don't really have it at our house. Anyway, he opened the gum and the first piece went to M. He just is awesome! It was his turn for the lesson for FHE yesterday. When it's his or M's turn for the lesson, they have to come up with the idea by themselves. They can look at the gospel art book or the friend or just talk about a gospel topic. I had reminded him yesterday morning that it was his turn for the lesson. Church isn't until 1:00, so we do FHE before church. He sat down to think about the lesson and a few minutes later he popped up and said that he knew what he wanted to do. Of course it included cars, but he also got each of us a dice (yes the singular version of that word is dice. Since Google knows everything I have no doubt that it's right! ;)), that matched our car color. At the edge of the table he set up a stack of coasters and put a cup on top. He had us sit around the table. He told us that the cup was like Heavenly Father and Jesus. We had to roll our dice and try to get back to them. He told us that we had to stay on the path because Satan is all around the path. After we had each taken one turn we talked about the first step we all take to get back to Heavenly Father and Jesus, which K told us was getting baptized. After we had taken our second turn, he talked to us about going to the temple. On one of my turns I went off the path just to see what K would do. I turned my car off the path and K yelled, "What are you doing?! You're off the path! You have to come back, Satan is all over over there, you have to come back this way!" I almost cried happy mama tears just because he was so worried that I had left the path and that Satan was all around me. I asked him how I come back. He told me that I need to say a prayer and tell Heavenly Father that I'm sorry. I asked him if Heavenly Father would tell me it was ok and let me come back. K truly treated me like I was an idiot as he said," Uh, Yeah!" B did talk a minute about repenting and that it doesn't matter what we've done, we can always repent and Heavenly Father will forgive us. We talked about how Satan is real and that he's a really bad dude and doesn't want anyone to be happy. We told them that sometimes in their lives they might make big mistakes and Satan is going to tell them that Heavenly Father won't forgive them. When we said that both M and K said that's not true. I blinked back my happy mama tears, turned my car around and made it back to Heavenly Father and Jesus. I thought his lesson was so good and I loved that he came up with it all by himself. Sometimes I wonder about that kid like when he goes commando(which happens more often then I would like to admit) or runs outside with nothing on to tell me that he can't get his swimsuit untied. But then he does a totally awesome FHE that makes all those sighs and head shakes and me saying,"K! Why are you out in the front yard with nothing on?", totally worth it!