I don't know why he closes his eyes for most pictures but, he does and even though it's annoying, it's totally him and we've come to expect it.
He was so excited for M and K to get home from school so that he could open his presents.
He loves the movie, Home. He loves fruit snacks. We don't normally have fruit snacks so when he opened his Home fruit snacks, he was pretty excited about them.
He is just like K and LOVES cars!
"Oh dear!" I don't know why he said it, but I love that he did and that we got a picture of it!
Taking his birthday pictures a few days later was maddening to say the least. He's so cute and so stubborn. It was hot and we couldn't find the park we wanted right off so, by the time we got there we were hungry. All that combined made for an interesting birthday picture taking experience.
Yep, his eyes are closed for the first picture. Of course they were. We had hope that the second one would be better.
Nice. Nope to picture two being better.
Success! (Just so you know, this wasn't picture three. it was probably more like picture 300. No lie.)
Sometimes when I look at him, he looks too grown up already. His hands in his pockets was his idea.
After almost two hours and probably about 700 pictures we had to call it quits. He does things his own way and there's no amount of bribery that can make him change his mind. We are totally enamored by him and are so happy to call him ours!