Sunday, October 8, 2017

Ho hum

I feel like our life has been pretty dull lately. I have thought about throwing some pictures on here and rambling on like I do but, I just haven't wanted to. Really what I want to do with all of my heart is take a nap. Maybe someday. Anyway, lets see here..... Nope. Nothing. There is a funny joke that I heard. What's brown and squishes through an elephant's toes? Slow natives! I know, it's terrible but so funny! Go ahead, laugh. What else what else?

K get's his fashion sense from me. It was cold one day and by cold I mean like 55. I know that in some parts of the country that's balmy but around these parts that's down right cold! To be fair it had been 102 two days before so 55 really did feel cold. Anyway, he didn't want to wear long pants so he wore his soccer socks and shorts. Genius!

Little B learned how to ride a bike with no training wheels! He had a knock off brand of a Strider bike and that helped so much. The day B took the training wheels off, I thought it would take a little bit to teach little B how to ride a bike. So, I kept making dinner. Little B came running in literally two minutes after the training wheels were removed and he yelled,"I can ride a bike with two wheels!" I went out to watch and sure enough he got on his tiny bike and off he went. His little legs pump so fast and sometimes he yells,"I think I'm going about like 50 miles an hour!" 

She loves gymnastics. She has been working on and has mastered a back flip on the trampoline. That's pretty awesome to watch. 
Yep, still cute, still tiny. That's a 0-3 month outfit. She still has pretty bad eczema on her face. We walk to get M and K from school every day and a little girl came up to me and asked why her cheeks were so red. I told her she has really dry skin. The little girl looked at me and said,"maybe you should put lotion on it."I wanted to say,"duh! what do you think we do? Run along you impossible child." But, I didn't. I told her that was a great idea and thanked her for her great idea. 

Date night at it's finest! The only store around here that's open later than 8 is Wal-Mart. If anyone knows me, they know I hate Wal-Mart. I'm more of a Target kind of a girl. However, walking around Wal-Mart is an experience that's for sure. Not to mention they sell weird giant animal heads that you can put on and die laughing while you take a picture. Oh man, that's funny, or it's late. Maybe next time I'll have something interesting to say. Until then, laugh at the funny elephant joke and wish you could put an animal head on for date night.
