How is it possible that Snowbird already came around again? I feel like we just went and then I blinked and it was time to go again. Anyone who knows me well knows that I don't love Snowbird. It's a long drive and for one that doesn't ski it's not super exciting. However, all members of this little family love to go and so, to Snowbird we went.
The littles skied and all three of them have gotten better. There were also a couple first's while we were there.
Little B decided that he was big enough to do the chair lift by himself. B about had a heart attack, I thought it was adorable.
What goes up....
must come down. She loved her first ski ride. B said she laughed on the chair lift and laughed on the way down. She went down two or three times. By the last time she went she was too cold and content to hang out with me under the chair lift.
Beach babies eat sand, ski babies eat snow. She would say hi to people and was so happy just watching the skiers.
B had big plans to ski with his siblings that live in Utah but they all bailed on him except for J. They spent the day skiing and had a great time.
I've never seen him ski, on the big hills, and it kind of makes me sad that we can't do it together. Even if I did ski I wouldn't want to go on the huge ones that he likes so it's best if I stick to the warm rooms, the book reading and the kid duty. I am glad that he got to go and that J was able to go with him.
We got to meet sweet little E for the first time. Holy smokes, she's so cute! She is bald and I love bald babies. She is 8 months younger than A so A would sometimes try to attack her. We tried to keep the eye pokes and the screams in the face to a minimum.
She loved to be thrown in the air.
When B would catch her she would say,"gain, gain."
So, we went to Snowbird and they skied and we swam and I said things I shouldn't have said. All of those are normal things. What's not normal is the snow that came at the end of the stay,
If I remember right it had started to snow on Thursday night. The plan was to leave Friday morning and this is what Friday looked like. The days they had skied had been sunny and warm. Warm enough that they were fine with just sweatshirts on whilst they zoomed down the hill at near neck breaking speeds. So to have two feet of fresh powder and have to dig out the truck was totally unexpected. Another event that wasn't normal was that I left early to go on a sister's weekend in California!!!! I cried when I said goodbye to B and I couldn't sleep without him but being able to see all but two of my sisters was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!
We are missing the two oldest. We're in order of age from left to right. We came from Utah, Texas, Montana, Idaho and Arizona. E, the second one from the left made us these shirts and as we gallivanted around California, people asked us what group we were with. To be able to tell people we were all sisters was so awesome!
We had rented bikes to ride along the beach. There were two tandem bikes and one electric bike that had a basket for someone to sit in. The original plan was to have S sit in the basket since she's pregnant but she said no way and so T was the brave one that climbed in first. To say that our bike ride was a fiasco would be a gigantic understatement. G and M are on the tandem bike right next to me. Little did anyone know that G, CAN'T RIDE A BIKE!!!! You would think that would be very important information to know. She claims that she can ride a bike, just not a tandem one. But when we tried to cross the intersection G and M caused quite a scene as they went diagonally instead of straight across. Then E who is trying to ride the electric bike with T in the basket, couldn't even hold it up to get it to start. So S and S who were on the other tandem bike and myself had made it across the street without incident and stopped at the light. The other's walked up with their bikes and said G should be in the basket because she's a terrible bicyclist and shouldn't be anywhere near anything with pedals. So she went in the basket and T went to be with M but they couldn't do the tandem bike either. The light turned green and S and S and I had crossed another street and gone down the hill only to notice about ten million people walking around. So, S the elder, said that maybe we shouldn't ride the bikes. Everyone was in agreement and so to the bike shop we went to return the bikes.
We walked on the pier and laughed and talked. Then we went shopping. For like 7 hours. It's amazing to not have children with you and be able to look at all the weird stuff out there. There is some really weird stuff out there. I was on a quest to find a sports bra WITHOUT removable cups. What idiot came up with the idea of removable cups?! People! All I have is nipples. I need to be able to cover those up so I need padding. When I wash something I don't want to disassemble it in order to wash it. I know, I know, first world problem. I did find some at Victoria Secret but they were all too big, no shock there. Anyway, needless to say I came home without new sports bra's. However, there was a Tesla.... store? I don't really know what it was. All I know is that there were two Tesla's sitting in a room thing and I got to sit in them. It. Was. Awesome! As we were driving around I started counting the amazing cars that I saw. I saw four Lamborghini's, two Ferrari's, one Maserati and so many Tesla'a they became common. I love to see sweet cars and watch them as they drive by but owning a car like that is not something I want. I talk about owning a Tesla like I talk about Walter, the great Dane I want. Walter and a Tesla will always live in my imagination because I love the idea of them, but not to have them in real life.
Saturday morning we went to the Huntington Beach temple. It was beautiful in there. I loved being in there with my sisters. I love knowing that families are forever and that these ladies are stuck with me.
After the temple we went to the Pier for lunch and we were able to watch some of a jet ski race. It was awesome! While I was standing there I was thinking that the boys in my family would have loved to watch this. It truly was amazing and I loved watching it.
Saturday night was full of Sushi, although I didn't eat any. I was totally content with the Oreo's that were on the counter. Then S dyed my hair for me! G was the assistant but S did the grunt work. Usually I have to do it myself and it takes close to one million years. It was amazing to have her do it for me. While she did it the rest of the ladies were sitting around the counter and on the couch and we talked. We talked about life, and kids and families. We laughed, we cried, we made fun of each other, we ate, played a game and went through clothes that E brought that she no longer wanted and celebrated S's 30th birthday!
It was pretty hot in our room so T decided that she would sleep out on the balcony. We thought she was kidding, she wasn't. She took the couch cushions out there and read her book until her eyeballs couldn't stay open and then off to sleep she went. Sister's are the best. I don't know what I would do without my sister's. Girlfriends are great, especially good ones, but sister's can understand you on a level that not many people can. We can talk about a million different things and cry simply because someone else is crying. Not because we had experienced the exact same thing, per say, but because sister's get it. To steal a couple minutes and be alone with any one of them, can result in a good laugh, a good talk, a good cry or a good hug because laughter, words or tears aren't enough and what they need is a hug. We live far apart from each other and there are some days that I miss my sister's so much it feels sad in the middle of my stomach. Our husband's are amazing to let us go and be willing to hold down our forts . I love my sister's and I'm so thankful that we got to be together for a few days.