Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Once upon a Halloween, then there was Thanksgiving

I am racking my brain trying to come up with something to say. I'm not coming up with a whole lot. Life around these here parts is uneventful. Full of orthodontist appointments aaannddd, nothing. We are done with football and waiting for basketball to start. Here's a funny picture for you,

The giant in the background says he's 11. My eyebrows raise in suspicion at that statement. I understand that K is small for his age but not that small right? Needless to say, K's team did not come out victorious on this game.

October brought with it our annual pumpkin painting night. I thought that my eyeball pumpkin was so cool and I was so proud of it until I saw B's M&M and M's prisoner with the name B. Headed. I thought the B. Headed was the best idea I had ever had. I felt like the funniest person alive when I came up with that stroke of genius! How M came up with that idea, I'll never know 😉.

Halloween was a raging success. We had bat girl, two army guys and a little fairy. It didn't take long for A to understand the idea of trick-or-treating. Pretty soon she was wanting to run with the other  kids. The best part was hearing her little "tank you!" as she ran away. She lasted one street before she was ready to go home. Little B was done at about the same time. I love that we were able to go out and still be home by 6:45. I had them changed and in bed on time. It. was. Amazing! M and K went longer with some friends. I was so happy to stay home where I was warmish. We keep it a balmy 67 in here which is a lot warmer than the 37 outside! 

This wasn't on Halloween. In fact, it has nothing to do with anything, it was just in the October pictures. This wasn't staged. One night we were reading scriptures. She grabbed her "scipers" and climbed up on the couch to follow along. Seeing it made my heart so happy! October rolled out along with Halloween and all the costumes. In marched November and a game of dodge ball. We were invited to play with a bunch of families from another ward. I love dodge ball! I'm so so bad at it so what happens is I cower in the back as everyone else, our offspring included, grab balls and throw them at each other. Well, B was standing in front of me and we were talking face to face. He moved just the exact micro-scoot needed for a ball to come flying and hit me right in my right eyeball. Holy crap it hurt! It was thrown by Thor. Got that image in your mind. The kid's name really is Thor and he can throw a ball like no one's business. I really thought that my eyeball had been pushed back into my head. It went all black and fuzzy. Thankfully B was right in front of me and he pulled me into a classroom at the church and looked at my eye. 

This was taken right after it happened. My eye was crying. I had no control of the tears that were coming out of this one eye. My head hurt more than my eye did so I took that as a good sign.

Day two looked worse but it didn't hurt anymore really. I felt a lot of pressure in my eyeball and when I looked down I could see a shadow at the top of my vision.

Day three it looked better but at church B was talking to an eye Dr in our ward telling him what happened. He told B that I should have it looked at to make sure there was no retinal tear. He said that would be worse case scenario but we need to rule it out. B asked him if I would be in pain if there was a tear. Dr. Martin Harris,( yes that's his real name, Martin Harris. We're surrounded by famous people! Thor and Martin Harris,) I digress, told him no. There wouldn't be any pain. He said that he wasn't working the next day but if we called any eye dr and told them that I got hit in the eye with a ball, they would rearrange their schedule to get me in. Of course I freak out. I freak out over everything. I don't know how many times a week B hears me say, "I really think it's cancer this time." Any bump, sore, scratch, weird spot, you name it, is cancer. So, I start planning my life as a blind person. Wondering how I'm going to get kids where they need to be and how I'm going to cook and clean. I didn't sleep much that night. 

Day four was the visit to the eye dr. I have so much anxiety about eye dr's. I would rather go to the dentist than the eye dr. However, it needed to be done so put on my big girl panties and into the office I marched. He looked at my eye and did dilation drops and pressure tests and a test of blinking lights. He told me that my eyeball was fine and that there was no sign of a tear.  No blindness or cancer! What a relief!

We went to Utah for Thanksgiving. The kids loved seeing their cousins, from both sides and B and I loved hanging out with our siblings and seeing nieces and nephews.

The guy in the back with no hair is my older brother. He flew in from Virginia. He brought his two boys with him. His girlfriend came too and she's adorable. I told her to aim higher as far as boyfriends go but I loved seeing them along with everyone else. We moved houses every couple nights switching between sides of the family. It was probably annoying for the families we switched between but we loved staying at both sides and playing games, going on group dates, girls nights and a BYU basketball game. My sister's and I may have skipped church on account of small children needing naps of course, so we could talk. I love my sister's. I need them so much! There's just something about sister's. We laugh, we cry, we tease, we talk and we just get it. I truly feel so blessed to have such amazing sister's; the two that were there and the other one's that live far away and couldn't come. We're all so different but that's what makes us great. We truly had a great time with both sides, don't misunderstand. My sisters-in-law are also wonderful and amazing. I was going to be so brave this time and not cry when we left, yeah that didn't happen. I was holding it in until my sister hugged me and then I cried. Then I did fine until the next morning when I had to say goodbye to BJ and S, B's younger brother and his wife. B and I have talked about moving back to Utah and we both agree that's not what we want. We love being our own people. We love that we don't live among the masses that call Utah home. That state is bursting with humanity. We feel like the swarms of people increase every time we go back. We love going and being able to love people. We just hate the crying when we leave because our hearts are breaking a little.

Before we went home, we went to see the lights at temple sq. When we lived there we would go watch them turn them on the day after Thanksgiving. I love going up there. B hates crowds so he doesn't love it but he lets me have my way. What a guy!

We made our way to a spot to take a family picture when the camera was met with an unfortunate accident and broke. Meaning, it got dropped. Not great. Oh well, our heart took a picture and we had a great time. We are so thankful for all the time people took to see us and hang out. We loved every second of it. Well, minus A getting almonds and having an allergic reaction. That was terrible but could have been worse. We loved our time there and until next time, adieu.
