Read on at your own risk. There will be some people that read this that don't like what I have to say. I'm going to say it anyway. The people in these two pictures are at a close second for my heart space. There are people in both of these groups that I want to scribble out or draw horns on. I am certain that there are people in both of these groups that want to scribble me out or draw horns on me too. I find it so interesting that I could tell the people in both these groups that they could have a kidney, as long as my kids don't have both of mine, or they could have a lobe of my liver or any number of body parts; but in the same breath I can say that some of these people make me totally crazy. I have been trying for a year and a half to find forgiveness and move on from something terrible that happened. It didn't even happen to me directly, but it has had a huge impact on my life personally. I have tried to be like the Savior. I have tried to give myself the time it takes to accept that things will never, ever be the same in this life. B and I were talking about things on our date last night and I told him some specific progress I have made and we both agreed that those things were huge steps from where I was even a couple months ago. We were talking about how the progress was made and it was clearly the Savior. I have realized a few things over the last year and a half. The first thing I realized is that everyone needs the Savior. I was thinking of the sin scale, is that even a thing? Probably not, but in my mind, embezzlement is way worse than me sneaking a piece of chocolate, or three, before dinner after telling my kids they have to wait until after we eat. However, in both of those situations, repentance is required and the only person who can do that is the Savior. The repentance process for embezzlement(honestly, I don't even know what that is, I just know it's not a good choice), might be more intense but the Savior would forgive both of us. The quote by then, President Uchtdorf, that says, "don't judge me because I sin differently than you." has been rolling around in my head a lot. We all need the Savior. None of us can make it into heaven without Him. There are things I do everyday that I know I shouldn't. I feel like Christ has every right to tell me enough is enough and that I don't get it. The amazing thing is, that He doesn't. He forgives me every day, so what right do I have to deny someone else forgiveness? Now, don't misunderstand, forgiveness and trust are not the same thing. I can say that I have forgiven, but that does not mean that there is trust again and I don't know if there ever will be total trust. I feel hopeful that I will be able to be around this person again, but I can't say when that time will be and I don't know when I will let our kids be around him. Something else that I have learned is the Christ wasn't always nice. I have been trying to go through this situation and be nice because I wanted to be like Christ. But Christ wasn't always nice. He threw over the table in the temple. He called people hypocrites to their faces. He told his disciples, more than once that they were people of little faith. Fast forward in time to Joseph Smith. It seems like that poor guy was chastised more than he wasn't. Christ was always direct and said what needed to be said. He didn't stand by and silently hope that everything worked out. He didn't beat around the bush. He didn't wait for someone else to say the things that needed to be said. Being silent and complacent is not being Christ like. Of course the biggest difference is that Christ was perfect and so he said things perfectly. Usually I blunder my way through things and I swear when I get really mad. I'm not perfect and in no way am I trying to say that I am. I know that everyone goes through their own process and to expect others to be where I am at or for others to expect me to be where they are at isn't fair. All I'm saying is that the atonement is real. That the Savior can change people and hearts. That family is the only thing that we get to take with us and although there might be people that I want to scribble out and draw horns on today and remind them that right now they're making me feel like they're just another F word, I would still offer them a kidney if I had an extra one lying around.
3 years ago