Monday, October 14, 2019

It's about that time

I have siblings that live in the neither regions of the land and they send emails to tell us about their weeks. I love these emails. I love to hear the funny things their kids say and hear how their life is going. My sisters that do these emails tell me that they hate doing them because sometimes there's nothing to write about. Sometimes they just live life and their kids just talk like little humans with nothing funny to say. Even on those weeks I tell them they should send the emails. Then I am reminded that me telling them to do that is a little hypocritical because me myself and I hate updating this blog. Obviously, it's been since April. I just feel like we've just been living life. Doing the whole work and school routine. When I think of funny things that kids say, nothing comes to mind. Although the other week I was working out. I try to do it in the wee hours of the morning to get it out of the way however, there are some mornings that the alarm is an abomination so when it goes off, I turn it off and turn away from it. Not wanting to be sucked into it's wicked plan of stealing sleep from me. This happened to be one of those mornings. I was working out while K was eating breakfast. He looked over at the screen and asked,"Were all tv's black and white when you were little?" Insert an image of me shaking my head, rolling my eyes and wheezing out "Nooooo! (pant, pant, pant), "They were all color." His response was one of shock and awe. That's not funny, that's just well, there are no words. He also asked me one time if semi's were invented when I was younger. Hello! it's not like I'm Henry Ford's mother. He must think I had neighbors that had pet dinosaurs and we all lived in caves with a club as our security systems.Good thing we like that kid.

I know the picture is random but he was so happy to see Cosmo. He was shocked that when he saw Cosmo somersault out of his van, no one seemed to notice. He and his friend,"ran over to him so fast so we could get a picture with him. It was so amazing!!" He loves BYU football. Heaven alone knows why. They were bad before and this year has just been total humiliation. K doesn't seem to care. He loves them so much and was over the moon to see Cosmo in real life.

This summer was full of boating. B loves boating. Actually, to say that he loves it is a gross understatement. I wish there was a better word. He loves everything about it. He loves to ski, surf, tube with the kids and be the driver. Here he is showing off that he can be pulled on a tube and not hold on. However, sometimes the laws of Physics prove they are still intact and....

He lands in the water. We all died laughing with this one. If you look close you can see him in the water. Another highlight of this picture? K's face. 

The three older kids learned to water ski this summer. The boys love it and M is learning to. She doesn't want to learn how to do something, she just wants to know how and be good at it. She can get up, she just lets go of the rope really fast. She'll get better and better and love it, B's sure of it! 

This one loves the tube. She gets in the middle seat, will lay down on her back and stick her thumb in the air, the signal to go faster. She loves to,"go super fast" on the tube. She takes a good turn and then will tell you when she's done. If you take her off before she feels like she's had a long enough turn, you'll hear about it. 
When she gets too tired, she'll sit down and go to sleep. She doesn't love the cold water so she either wants to be on the tube or on the boat and if you put her in the water, she screams. Like, SCREAMS!!! It's not great. 

Look how happy this fella is! You guys, I'm telling you, nothing in the world makes him as happy as boating.

I looked through the pictures and I don't have anything else to say. No surprise pregnancy, no funny kid stories, no nothing. We're truly just living life. Which, if I'm being honest, is pretty great. We're healthy and happy and blessed every day. We got family pictures a couple weeks ago but I don't want to put them on here yet because I have a friend working on switching some heads. Meaning, A was smiling in one and not the other. So this amazing friend is trying to take smiling head off of one picture and put it on the other. Anyway, all I'm saying is that I don't have anything to say. Summer was hot and fun and way too short and now we're back to the grind. 