Monday, April 11, 2011

A day at the beach

The water at the beach is already almost too warm to be refreshing. The ocean 'round these parts gets really warm. In the summer it gets to almost 90. The water, not the temperature outside the water. So I'm glad that we went when we did. It was really fun. K loves to hold onto B's hands and jump/get pulled out of the water.
M loves to jump over the waves. I think this picture is so awesome! I think she got pretty high. The water when she was just standing there was about mid-thigh or a little higher. So she jumped pretty high out of the water.
They decided to go jump over little waves. I took so many pictures trying to get all three of them jumping, alas, it wasn't meant to be. This is the closest we got, B trying to pull both of them up over the wave. Judging by M's height you would think that it was a giant wave. K is thankful that it was in fact a very small wave.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You guys get so high when you jump! It looks super fun! I'm totally jealous :-)

