Sunday, March 11, 2012

Happy to report

I am happy to say that after four grueling weeks, my infected hangnail has healed! I seem to always have a hangnail plauging me. So, four long weeks ago when another one was making itself known, I didn't really think anything about it. Well, by that Thursday night I was definitely thinking about that hangnail! It gave me grief like I had never known with a hangnail. Oh my word! It hurt so bad! You would be amazed how often one notices an infected hangnail! It seems to effect your whole entire life! I felt like saying,"don't even look at it! It hurts when you look in my direction, so just don't look!" It got so bad that I even had B take a needle to it and try to poke it so that the infection could come out. Now you may be asking yourself why I didn't go to the Dr since it had been four weeks. I may or may not have health insurance and so going to the Dr unless it's an absolute emergency is something I hold strong to. As I was praying to know what to do the thought came to me to put hydrogen peroxide on it. So for a few days that's what I did. I dipped a Qtip in it and would put that on my hangnail. It would bubble and look really cool but it didn't really seem to get better. I continued to pray about it. The thought came to me, SOAK IT in hydrogen peroxide. Sometimes I wonder if Heavenly Father just looks down at me and shakes his head because he has to basically draw pictures for me. Well, I started to soak it. The first time I did it, it was like my hangnail exploded! All this gross stuff came out. IT WAS AWESOME!!! It was like one of those really good zits that pops really good and goes away the next day. My hangnail didn't go away the next day, it continued to explode but little by little it got better. Now I can function without feeling a heartbeat in my thumbnail and people can look at my nail without me screaming in pain to look away! Yipee for answered prayers and hydrogen peroxide!


  1. You are a total dork. haha. This cracked me up. It reminds me of a good story of when Danny and I first got married. He had a terrible infected in grown toenail, and we couldn't afford to get it fixed, so I performed the surgery for free. I'm nice like that. Anyway, I TOTALLY got it all out and it never came back! It was disgustingly AWESOME.

    Anywho, glad your hang nail is all better now.

  2. You're hilarious! I'm so glad you survived this trauma. I had complete faith in you :-) I do wish I had part in watching it explode. That would've been amazing!

  3. So glad that it worked!! Its amazing how something so small can effect your whole life. Insane.

