Well, I was going to put a picture on of what K does with his cars everyday, but again, it won't upload it. He loves to build traffic jams. We line up some of his cars mess them up, move to a new location and build another traffic jam. The other day while I was helping him line up the 105 cars it took to go from M's bed, out her room, around the corner into K's room and to his bed, I asked him why he likes to build traffic jams. he told he me just does. He likes to line all of them up. He loves when Lightning McQueen is in front of Chick Hicks because Chick wants to beat Lightning, but he can't because he's stuck in the back of the traffic jam. I'm always amazed that we use so many of his cars for these traffic jams and yet he still has boxes with cars left that didn't make it into the final cut for the traffic jam that day. One morning we lined them up along the banister at the top of the stairs, turned, went in front of the laundry room, around the corner into the master bedroom. Along the wall to the bathroom and almost to the nightstand that sits on the other side of the bathroom doorway. When we didn't quite make it to the nightstand he said,"Oh dear, I wish I had more cars so we could make it all the way there. Maybe I can get more for my birthday." The kid just loves cars. He never tires of playing with them.
Now, onto the blues... I just finished the last half of the package of chocolate chips that were in the cupboard. Bummer! I hate when I eat the last of them! Mostly because that means they're gone and I don't get any more. Want to know the worst part? I had lined them up in the groups of two's that they have to be in before I can eat them.(My OCD kicking in right there!) Anyway, they were lined up so nicely in their groups. I thought to myself, "Self, that's a whole lot of groups right there. You'll be totally satisfied all night with that many!" Then to my total horror, I went to grab another set of two and...(pause for dramatic effect) they were already all gone! Not great! Thankfully I hadn't counted how many groups of two I had, but I know that it was more than a few. And they were already gone! Ya know how you feel like the trial you're going through is worse than what ever anyone else is going through? That's how I'm feeling tonight! A half bag of chocolate chips set up in beautiful groups of two and their already gone! Woe is me!
3 years ago
I know how you are with those chocolate chips and the OCD. I can only imagine I would feel the same if I went to the fridge and found my Dr Pepper gone. Woe is me is an understatement! BTW I just smile a lot and even laugh out loud quite a bit when I read your blog. You need to write a comedy sitcom or something!