Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Baby in a pumpkin

We totally stole this idea from Brent James and Sandra. They put their baby in a pumpkin last year. When we saw the picture, we knew that we would do the same thing this year. In my head I thought that we would carve out the leg holes, stick him in and be able to get him to smile his big smile that he does so well. He had other plans of course.

We tried doing it at the wrong time of day. This was right before dinner. He is the most smiley right after a nap. Right before dinner is not right after a nap. This is when he gets really sleepy. So he was not going to smile. The look on his face is probably because he was wondering why we were acting like idiots. We were trying really hard to get him to smile. Instead of smiling he just looks concerned.

After we had tried for close to five minutes to get him to smile, he got tired of us and decided to eat the pumpkin instead. He has tried pumpkin before and really like it. But, he's never had it raw. He gnawed some off and then

Sat and chewed it not really knowing what to think of it. We tried putting him in the pumpkin the next morning too. But, it had sat outside all night and was quite chilly. So, when we put him inside he took short little gasps of air because the pumpkin was cold. As you can imagine, there was no smile that morning either. But he must not have minded the raw pumpkin from the night before, because he ate it again in the morning. Clearly there is no picture with him smiling, but him eating the pumpkin is almost as cute!


  1. Oh m goodness, so much cuteness!! I love the pumpkin chomping shot.

  2. This totally cracks me up!! Look at how big little B is getting! So cute :)

