How does time go by so fast? M and K got big fast, but I feel like with Little B, time is going even faster. It's gotta be because I know that he's our last. I want to hold onto all his cute baby things for as long as I can. There are already so many things I miss. Like,when he was little enough that he would sleep on me at church, or his cute bum wagging back and forth as he crawled across the floor, or how he used to love being in the stroller when we would go for a walk instead of now where he MUST push it or the entire walk is filled with a very upset child yelling,"AND OUT, AND WALK, STUCK!!!" He doesn't not like to be strapped into things and will try to get out while telling you over and over that he's stuck. I miss his open mouthed kisses that he would plant on whatever part of your face his mouth happened to land on. I miss the little baby that is know a wild and crazy two year old. Thankfully, he still has a little bit of the adorable baby chub on the backs of his hands and his feet. He'll still lay his head on my shoulder when I put him to bed, but not for very long. After he has established that M and K are going to bed too and he's not the only one being banished to bed, he says,"Bye, see ya!" He LOVES to go to Target. I know, such a happy mama! Truthfully, the reason he loves it is because of the free cookie he can get at the bakery. As we're at the light by Target, the light that you can't even see the store from, he'll get all excited and in a high pitched, almost scream voice he'll say,"coooookieeeee?!!!!!!!!" Today after we took the kiddos to school we were coming home and he said,"And Target?" I asked him if he wanted to go to Target and he said,"YEAH! A cookie and sicker(sticker)!" I love looking at clearance and he loves getting a cookie and a sticker, which he promptly takes off the paper and sticks on his forehead. He came up with putting the sticker there all on his own. He does it every time and I have gotten used to it. When we were there on Saturday he did it and M and K about died laughing. It is pretty funny and we had a good laugh about it. He loves to play outside and if it's time to come in before he's ready, he'll stand there, bow his head and cover his eyes with one hand while he cries. Watching him do it is truly heartbreaking. I keep hoping that I'll have the camera when he does it so that I can get a picture of it. (I know, I'm a little strange.) He loves dogs and cows. In his head they're always together. If he sees a dog he yells,"A dog! Where a cow go? Moo!" We're still totally enamored by him and are so happy that he's ours forever!
I forgot to mention that he loves suckers. Loves isn't even the right word. He asks for them for breakfast and all day long. On his birthday he could have as many as he wanted. I don't know how many he ate, all I know is that I was shocked to see that there were some pictures without a sucker.
I don't know who loves this car he got more, him or K. He loves it so much that he wants it parked in the garage next to B's car.
Of course he got a train. He loves it, especially when K let's him have a turn using it. I'm pretty sure we've told K close to a bazillion times that it's Little B's train so it's Little B that should be sharing with him, not the other way around. I wish that we had already taken Little B's birthday pictures, but we haven't. Maybe next time! Happy birthday little boy!
I can't believe how much he has grown! I wish we knew him better.