Thursday, November 2, 2017

October brings with it, a lot

Boys and using tools are like me and chocolate. They just need to be together. Well, B put a cement slab in our backyard for a shed. The next night after work, he went out there to take the cement forms off the cement. K and little B were out there helping. I'm not sure what happened really. I just know that he came in the house crying because he had taken a hammer to the face. I don't know what he was hammering, I just know that the hammer bounced off and hit him in the face. Thankfully he didn't hit his teeth. Poor kid.
Of course we made our tootsie sucker ghost's. This is one of our favorite traditions. They love to make their ghosts and hang them on the light above the table. 

We made our graveyards too but this year instead of putting the gravestones in no bake cookies, we put them in dirt and worms. A didn't care that she didn't construct a ghost or a graveyard but, she loved that M had her try some of the pudding. We think that this little one has a nut allergy.

This picture doesn't do justice. This was taken one night after we had made poppy seed muffins. They have almond extract in them. We gave her some and within minutes her eyelids started to get hives on them. Her ears swelled up really bad and she started getting a rash all over her stomach and back. She got hives on her back, legs and stomach. We said no more of anything with almonds or other tree nuts. B said maybe she was allergic to the poppy seeds. We gave her some Benadryl and once the swelling started to go down, we put her to bed for the night but checked on her every hour or so throughout the night. 
These ones were taken last night. At her nine month check, the dr had said that they have now changed food recommendations and anything goes. So, I had given her a peanut butter and jam sandwich for lunch. I didn't feed her the whole thing because as she was eating it, she would take a bite, swallow and then cough and cough. She seemed ok after her bottle so I laid her down for a nap. She didn't sleep well and when she woke up, she was totally swollen. Her face is puffy, her left ear is so swollen that it's sticking out. You can see she has a rash on her neck.

She's a moving target so you can't tell that these bumps were really big and she had hives on her stomach again. It's so scary! Thankfully Benadryl has taken care of the swelling but it takes several hours for it to go all the way away. No nuts at all for this little lady until we know for sure what the allergy is.  Anyway,

We tried to put our ghost's in the dirt, but they kept falling over and the tissue was turning brown. No one liked the idea of it looking like they had poopy ghost's so, we took the ghost's out of the pudding. We had done this as a FHE activity. They next day as little B was eating lunch, he started to chuckle and shake his head. I asked what he was laughing at and he said,"that really was a great activity last night." 

Next on the tradition schedule was pumpkin decorating. We truly hate carving pumpkins. We don't like the mess or the smell. Not to mention it seems like as soon as you carve them, they go schlumpy. So, we paint ours instead. 

I must say, that I love all of our pumpkins. However, whoever did that minion takes the cake! I think that's one of the best pumpkins I've ever seen.

We think this picture is funny! We were trying to get her to smile from behind the camera and she was trying to find us. We love our start of October traditions and that it's the start of the holiday season!


  1. Poor A and poor you! I would have freaked out. I love your minion pumpkin! So cute!

  2. AWWW...A looks totally different with her poor sad swollen face. I'm glad you figured out her allergy but so sad that she has that to deal with! Your pumpkins are adorable and the last pic of A trying to see you is freakin' hilarious!!!

