Monday, February 19, 2018

Happy Birthday, again!

January is jam packed with birthday's around these here parts. M's birthday comes first followed just three days later by little miss A.

This tiny human turned one. We can't believe that the year went by so quickly. She is small but so so loud. Truly. We thought K and little B were loud, which they are. They pale in comparison to her. She is the loudest when she's tired. Her sounds change from happy loud sounds to mad loud sounds. If  I am on the phone when she's awake, it's not uncommon for people to ask if I need to go because they can hear her in the background. She loves to play peek-a-boo and will do it as often as anyone will respond to her.

Sometimes, she doesn't cover her eyes all the way
But the end result is the same. She also likes to do this
She'll laugh and laugh with whoever is doing it with her.

 She loves books and yogurt melts.Her one year check revealed that she's still tiny. She only weighs 14 pounds and is in fact allergic to almost everything under the sun. The list includes but is not limited to, peanuts, eggs, wheat, milk, chicken, apples and soy. Just in case you were wondering, every gluten free recipe calls for milk and eggs. Most food products have milk, wheat, soy and eggs in them. Not. Great. The pediatrician told us we can feed her everything she's allergic to except for peanuts and eggs. Those two are her anaphylactic  allergies. It seems weird to us that her Dr said we could feed her foods she's allergic to. We are taking her to an allergist but they can't get us in until the end of March. No rush, it's not like we live in constant fear that whatever we feed her is going to kill her or anything.The Dr also said that taking her off all those foods would help her grow. That has proven false. Here we are five weeks past her check up and she hasn't gained any weight. Annnyway, she had a birthday and we shouted hooray!

The thing about turning one is that your day isn't different from any other day. She still wanted a nap and wanted to be in bed by 7. We hadn't found out about her long list of allergies, so we gave her a cupcake.  We thought that she would like it, she didn't. She wouldn't even try it.

She picked up and then put it back down. We thought it was because it was so big so we broke it up for her.

That wasn't it. She didn't want anything to do with it. Who can blame her? Cupcakes are nasty. To say that we love this little thing is a huge understatement. She makes us laugh and sometimes we can't help but squeeze her even though she squawks and pushes you away. She has never been one to cuddle and so a tight squeeze is not something she loves.  We didn't take too many pictures on her birthday but we did take some cute birthday pictures a couple days later. Without further ado, the little ladies photos.

We are totally enamored with our feisty and loud little A!

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