We love our family, especially when they come to visit us! We love going to visit, don't misunderstand, but sometimes it's really nice to be visited. Finally, the long awaited day came and with it came my sister and her husband and their offspring. To say that we had a good time would be grossly understating it. We couldn't wait to play all kinds of things with them. We only had a couple and a half days with them, we had to make every minute count!
First there was a tough game of Speed. B was the champion for so long that we decided that we all needed to work together to get him out. It was decided that every time he won, we would put candy in a bowl. We all knew that whoever got him out won all the candy that was in the bowl. Of course as soon as we came up with the candy idea, he only won one time before someone got him out. He had won probably close to a million times before that. Truth.
Next up was the game, Left, Right, Center. We really like that game except we play with candy instead of the little plastic chips that the game comes with. Yes I have a serious problem with candy. If we can play a game with candy, then we will. Thank goodness the dollar store sells bags of candy. Good candy too like laffy taffy. I love laffy taffy. just sayin'.
The kiddos loved playing Twister. They made up their own rules and all we heard was laughing. We didn't just play games. We live really close to a lake. The only bummer is that there's no public swimming. You have to have some kind of water craft to get on it.
This is what we came up with. Isn't our niece, X, adorable?! I don't even remember taking this picture, but obviously I did. Playing in the Kayak was fun, but that's not the only thing we did.
There was also some handstand contests that went on. M is in the middle and her cousin's J and X are next to her. Oh and there was something else.
WOOT WOOT!!! B had a stroke of genius when he said that we should rent two of these. It. Was. Awesome! The lake is shallow and so it gets really warm. The water was 89 degrees. It still took some convincing to jump in because our brains are used to jumping into cold water. We got to take turns playing on these, the kayak and just playing in the water.
B and our brother-in-law, J were the designated drivers. They were so awesome and they shuttled all of us to a spot so that we could all swim together. We used the back of the jet ski's as diving boards and jumped off. Watching people try to dive off them was hysterical, especially when my sister tried to do it. Oh man, I wish I had a picture other that just in my brain, but I don't. Just imagine someone flailing but from only two feet above the water. Oh man, it was so funny! She popped out of the water and said,"I saw that differently in my mind." Pee your pants funny! That's what her dive was. There were a whole lot of belly flops and a catchy tune that was sung as a 14 year old floated on his back and said he was floating out to sea. Man, these folks are funny!
The gang's all here! We love these people so much and had a total blast while they were here. Too bad we didn't notice the tiki torch behind J. It just adds to the awesomeness of the day!
We played hard and long while they were here. We had to soak up every minute that we could. We were totally pooped after they left, but it was worth every second!