Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Something's not right here...

Where are the children that belong to these articles of clothing you ask? I asked myself that same thing after I got out of the shower this morning. All I knew is that when I went into the shower, the children were fully clothed. When I got out I saw the clothes with no children in them. I found them in the living room eating a bag of wheat thins and playing memory in their undies. B and I don't really know where we have gone wrong. At least they were happy and were enjoying their snack!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

I guess we should write happy Easter Eve since these were on Saturday. Our ward did an Easter egg hunt on Saturday morning. I wish that when we asked our children to smile, they didn't just plaster cheesy smiles on their faces. At least they aren't crying so that's good.

I was lucky to get a picture of M picking up an egg. As soon as they were told they could find the eggs M was off like a rocket! I felt so stupid running after her trying to get a picture. It wouldn't have been so bad if I had gotten a ton of pictures like I was trying to get. But no, I only got two pictures. With the way I was running you would have thought that I was trying to win a race. nope, just trying to get a picture.

K loved the Easter egg hunt. The only bummer besides the ants that had found the eggs before the kids was that when he opened his eggs, the only candy he got was lifesavers and two Tootsie rolls. He looked around at the candy that all the other kids got and then back at his basket and then back at the other kids baskets. Thankfully he loves Tootsie rolls and so he didn't care. He ate those and then threw the lifesavers away. He made out like a bandit at the one we did at home, that helped too.


Have I ever mentioned that I love Target? I. Love. Target. It fills my heart with joy and thanksgiving! The other day when we were there, we found these awesome umbrellas in the dollar section. We snatched them up real quick so that we could play in the rain. M and K have been asking for umbrellas for awhile, but B and I haven't wanted to buy them for fear that they would just be ruined. Well, finding them for that price, we don't care if they get ruined. When M and K saw that it was raining today, they ran to the closet, opened the umbrellas and charged outside.

M just stood there listening to the rain hit the umbrella. She loved that she wasn't getting wet.

K loved to hold his and walk around.

K really wanted to switch umbrellas. Here they are discussing it. M told K that hers was pretty heavy, so it would probably be best if they didn't switch.

K agreed and they both decided that pacing back and forth was the greatest thing we did today with the exception of swimming this morning.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I love the trike

This picture is awesome for so many reasons. One of them is that he insists on wearing his hat backwards. We had to buy it because,"dreen is my favorite tolor." Another reason it's awesome is because he looks so cute on his trike. He likes to ride the trike as M rides her bike. The only problem is his speed. He likes to look at the ant hills, and there are a ton of those. He likes to stop and watch the cars go past. He has to stop and cover his face if a bug is flying too close. Sometimes he covers his face and still pedals, that has proven to be hazardous to his health.

I tried to get him to smile, but he was telling me about a car that had just passed and asking why it couldn't come on the path with us. He was both relieved and disappointed. "A dreen car on the path with us would be so cool, but then it might hit you and me and daddy and M and we would die."

She has been taught!

M can ride a bike without training wheels! It is so awesome to watch her do it. Now when I go running in the morning, instead of pushing both kids in the stroller; M rides her bike and I run next to her. Actually I run behind her because she can ride faster than I can run. Pathetic I know. In my defence, she can ride really fast!

Oh what do you do in the summertime?

I know it's not summertime, but it definitely feels like it. The other morning it was 90 degrees at 9:00 in the morning; so we spend a lot of our time at the pool. The other day we were there by 10:30. K and M love to use their floaties and jump off the side. You can't tell but he has a Cars swimsuit on, a Cars floaty ring and cars/trucks on his arm floaties. He just loves cars.

M jumping in off the side of the pool. (I attempted to get a picture of both of them jumping, but K jumped early. Obviously.) I'm sorry it's a little cloudy, I got water on the lens and it started to cloud. I guess when it says do not use in water, their serious.

We did go home to eat lunch and wash the pool water off of us. But when B got home from school he said that we should go swimming for Family Home Evening. So we went swimming again. Thankfully it is so blasted hot that going swimming twice in one day is nice. M has taught herself how to swim. She loves to swim under water because she's faster that way.

Another attempt at getting a picture of both M and K jumping off the side of the pool together. We took probably about ten and none of them were of them jumping at the same time. Oh well. I love this picture! I know that it looks like M is going to smack really hard and hurt herself, but she said it didn't hurt.

I love love love this picture! B was telling K that he was going to get him. B telling both M and K that is really the only way we can get a real smile out of them.

What a funny doggy!

One morning we saw a dog playing in the water. The best part was when that,"funny doggy got out of the water and shook heself."

How do you know you're in love?

When you want to sleep with it every night it must be love right?!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Of course that's what it's called!

So we decided that we wanted to make brownies for family home evening. While we were making them K was so excited! He was talking away about the cilanso(cilantro) we had chopped for dinner, the limes we had squeezed and gotten lime juice from and asking what all the spices were, if he could put them in and wanting to smell them. Anyway we were just starting the brownies and he said,"We're making brownies for heavenly home evening." I couldn't help but smile and asked him to tell me again what we were making the brownies for. He said, "For heavenly home evening!" Of course he calls it that because it is always so heavenly and our children are angels and it just reminds him of being in heaven. ;) I hope that he calls it heavenly home evening for a long time!

I don't know why they ask to get out!

We went on a walk last night. K walks as fast as cold tar, so we were thankful we were able to talk him into riding in the wagon. But he didn't last the whole time. I couldn't stand that the wagon was empty while four people walked around it. So I got in. M had been pulling the wagon when K was in it and had still been pulling it when it was empty. I didn't think that she would be able to pull me, but she was! The only time she said that it was really hard and making her sweat is when K decided that he wanted to sit on my lap.
Riding in a wagon is the way to go! I don't know why K wanted to get out so bad. To just be able to sit and watch the trees go by was awesome! Like I said in an earlier post, I am lazy so maybe that's why I loved it so much! Thanks for the lift M, it was the ride of my life!

A day at the beach

The water at the beach is already almost too warm to be refreshing. The ocean 'round these parts gets really warm. In the summer it gets to almost 90. The water, not the temperature outside the water. So I'm glad that we went when we did. It was really fun. K loves to hold onto B's hands and jump/get pulled out of the water.
M loves to jump over the waves. I think this picture is so awesome! I think she got pretty high. The water when she was just standing there was about mid-thigh or a little higher. So she jumped pretty high out of the water.
They decided to go jump over little waves. I took so many pictures trying to get all three of them jumping, alas, it wasn't meant to be. This is the closest we got, B trying to pull both of them up over the wave. Judging by M's height you would think that it was a giant wave. K is thankful that it was in fact a very small wave.

Could that really be a blessing?!

So as you all know I had a traumatic experience with a disgusting spider landing on my shoulder. Well I can honestly say that it was indeed a blessing. Let me go ahead and tell you why. On Friday night B and I were watching a show about a guy in Australia that got bit by a poisonous spider and almost died. B looked at me and said,"I wonder if that spider that landed on you was poisonous. We should look it up and see. I have a laptop, so we can look while we sit right on the couch." Since I am lazy, staying on the couch was my main objective for the evening, so I agreed to his plan. Well, when we were looking at spiders on Google images a thing popped up saying that his computer had a lot of viruses on it. When I say a lot, I'm talking like 30+. Anyway it said that he should buy this thing called MS removal tool and that would in fact get rid of all those viruses and it would only cost him $54 a year. He is so smart and told me that I should go use our desk top and look up MS removal tool and see what it is. Well good thing I moved my lazy self and looked it up. MS removal tool is in fact a scam. It takes your credit card number and makes it available to the bad guys out in the world. It was telling the truth when it said that B's computer had a lot of viruses, but buying MS removal tool wouldn't fix the problem. So he did a live chat with the Sony people. The guy, who was very helpful and very friendly, told him a couple things to try. It didn't work. Instead his computer crashed. Yes the computer he bought in October, new from Sony itself, crashed. But thankfully the nice fellow at Sony was able to talk B through fixing it and getting it back to the way it came to him from the factory. The viruses are gone along with everything else he had saved on that computer. Including a paper he had written for school but hadn't turned in yet. But the good news is that he was able to fix it himself with the help of the nice boy at Sony. Another great thing was that it happened Friday night. He doesn't really use his laptop except for at school. So if that vial disgusting spider hadn't landed on me, then we wouldn't have been looking up spider pictures. He wouldn't have used his computer until Monday morning at school. He had to have his computer in class because he was taking a test. If we hadn't used it Friday, then it would have crashed while he was taking his test and that would not have been great! So in conclusion, thank you disgust, vial, sick spider for picking my shoulder to land on so that his computer crashed when it did and not later.

Monday, April 4, 2011

What is on me?!

I had walked outside to put some more things into the recycle box. I had come back inside and seen something out of the corner of my eye. I glanced down to my shoulder and saw something kind of move a little. I FREAKED out and brushed at my shoulder over and over while jumping/running in little circles. This went on for a couple seconds even after whatever had been on me was off. B was sitting at the computer and asked what it was. I calmed down enough to tell him that I didn't know, but I was looking for it. It took me a minute to find it and when I did, I really freaked out! This monster of a spider had been on me! I know that it doesn't look big but it was probably about the size of my head. Ok obviously it wasn't that big, but when one such as myself sees it perched on one's shoulder, I think to myself, "Self! What is that Goliath thing on you!" After we used almost an entire can of spray(per my request) and after it had fought a good fight, it died. Whilst we(when I say we I mean B as I kneeled on a high, safe place some distance away) was spraying it, it tried to run away and with legs fully extended it was probably about the size of a nickel. It was awful awful awful! I feel all itchy and paranoid that another one is somewhere on my person. Yuck!

Conference report

I love this picture! M's favorite speaker was for sure President Monson. She loved when he started to say the words to "I Love to See The Temple."
It doesn't matter how old you are, when the prophet speaks you can feel the spirit and you listen(even if it's only for about 5 seconds!). I love this picture!
I must admit that by the time Sunday afternoon session is almost done, I get a little restless. I had gotten the camera to take a picture of them dancing during the intermediate hymn. Since it was just sitting there, and we were just sitting there, we wanted a picture. Not too bad for taking it myself!