Thursday, April 27, 2017

Mommy wow, I'm a big kid now!

First of all, what's not to love about this picture?! Little B and his friend, I, are pretty hysterical together. I calls little B his brother and tells his mom that he needs to go see his brother whenever he wants to come play. Today was one of those glorious days that they were able to play together. We were sitting on the living room floor and he asked little B and I if we ever watch Scooby-Doo.  He said that he watches them and really likes them because they're super funny. Little B sat there very thoughtfully for a few seconds and then said,"When I was a kid I watched them too and liked them." Yeah, because he's 40 and not 4. Anyway, we talked for a few more minutes about falling out of trucks at our grandma's houses, landing on our faces and crying because it hurts a lot. They ran off to play and I started cleaning something in the kitchen. As I listened to them play I was thinking about when I was little and my older siblings would have friends over to play. I wanted to play with them too and would follow them around the house. Of course my sister's didn't love me hanging around and I would hear,"Stop following us!" I would often wonder how my mom didn't stop what she was doing and follow them around too. I really thought that she must have had so much self control to just leave them alone. I couldn't imagine not wanting to hang out with my older and much cooler sister's and their friends. I made a BIG discovery today as I stood in the kitchen. I had zero desire to follow these two little fellas around. My mom must not have needed to use any self control. The thought of following M or K and their friends around does not sound fun to me. I am so so happy to report that although I may not have graduated from wearing a training bra yet, I am big enough that following people and their friends around our house doesn't sound as fun as it used to.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Let's hit the slopes

I know, I know, I'm way behind on this here blog. The thing is, I would waaaaay rather read my book than update the blog. But, my life is run by guilt and I feel guilty that it's been so long. This here skiing adventure actually took place the first week in March but, we still talk about it fairly often. When grandma B came up for A's blessing, she stayed for the week. B saw it as a perfect opportunity to take the offspring skiing. M and K are pretty good and don't really need a lot of help, but they can't go off by themselves. Little B was still learning and so he needed someone to help him. B didn't feel like he could take all three alone. Grandma happily came to the rescue. I don't ski, unless you call careening down the mountain side whilst yelling for everyone to move out of your way and taking out a skiing instructor helping a very small child, skiing. It's in everyone's best interest that I stay home and take care of the baby.

This was how all three of the littles felt about going skiing. Not only did they get to miss school, they also got to ride in the truck! B LOVES his truck and doesn't like to drive it a lot because it might get dirty. True statement. I used to only compete with BYU football but, the truck moved in and I have fallen in ranking yet again. 😊 The skis had to get to the mountain somehow so the truck came out of hiding and they got to ride in it. Best. Day. Ever!

We spent so much time the night before making sure that the kiddos had everything they would need. B says that skiing when you're cold is the worst so we sent more clothing than they needed knowing that they could take it off if they got too warm. They got there and started getting all their stuff on and that's when B realized that he had forgotten his ski pants. Oops! Thankfully it was warm enough that his sexy tights and shorts were good enough. 

We have the best grandma in the world. She hurt her knees a few weeks before she came to our house and even though they were still hurting her, she went skiing. The kids loved being able to spend so much time with her.

As they were eating lunch, M couldn't find her turkey that she had packed for her lunch. She eats the bread plain and then the turkey because she's weird. Well, she ate her bread but couldn't find her turkey. When she saw the picture and noticed the turkey on her shoe, she laughed pretty hard. She may or may not have picked it off her shoe and eaten it. 

I am so proud of these little people. They all love to ski and that makes B's heart almost burst with happiness. M and K are getting really good and are excited about skiing on the big hills at Snowbird and little B likes to tell anyone that'll listen that he can ski.
