Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's quiet, perhaps too quiet

So today I was out visiting on the couch with my dear friend, H. Well I realized that it was far too quiet. I went to find K and I found him. He was having a wonderful time using a sharpie and coloring all over himself, our bedspread, and the floor. Yes the floor. Slowly count to ten... I was not so happy. Thankfully my oh so amazing brother-in-law, J is brilliant and knew how to get the sharpie out of the carpet! The bedspread and legs we're on our own for. Thankfully it came out of the carpet. That's what I was most concerned about because we're trying to sell our condo. Sharpie in carpet doesn't count as an upgrade.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Playing at Lake Powell

Cliff jumping at Lake Powell is one of my favorite things to do. I love this picture! Thanks for cliff jumping with me baby, It was awesome!

M loved the water. She loved to be in it. As long as she didn't have to ride on the tube, she was good. Here she is swimming with B.

I had a great time swimming with her. The water was cold because this swimming spot was in the shade, but we still had such a great time. Now you may be wondering where K is in all of these pictures....

...His favorite spot was on the beach where he was dry and warm. He thought the water was way too cold. If we put him in the water he cried because it was too cold for him. I promise I didn't stage this picture. He asked if he could have the floaty on. So, I put it on him. He played in the sand for a long time with his life jacket and floaty on. This picture totally cracks me up!

Lake Powell was awesome! I love my little family and that we were able to go. My sister and her family came with us. It was so fun to be with them and to be together! I am so so so happy that families are forever!

Yes I did!

This picture fills me with so much pride. Why you ask? Because I put this here tent up all by myself! Yes ladies and gentlemen, you read right, by myself! B was setting other things up, the tent needed to be put up, so I did it. Cool right?!

Doing a back flip off the boat? Crazy!

B wanted to try something he had never done before. So he thought to himself, "Self, I want to try a back flip off the back of the boat." So that's what he did. Here he is before he jumped. Here is his initial take off.

Making contact with the water and going in for the landing.

Here he is. Safe and sound and in one piece. It was so cool to watch him do this. Go B! Yeah!

Lake Powell

It doesn't matter how many times I go to Lake Powell, I just love it! It is such a beautiful place. I love the red rock. I'm not a huge fan of the water line, but I think the cliffs are still so awesome!

I love the rock with the blue sky and the reflection in the water. This trip was for sure one of the highlights of the summer!


So it's official, B got accepted to school across the country. Just a couple of months ago I was feeling like my life was stagnant. Now, we are putting our condo up for sale and making the move. When we checked the mail and I saw the huge envelope, I knew that we were going to move. I almost started to hyperventilate. B asked if I was going to have a heart attack. I told him I might. When he open the package I cried. I'm excited for B and that he got into his top pick of schools. But I'm really not excited to be so far away from family. I get lost driving around town now, and I've lived here my whole life. I don't know what I'm going to do there. Thankfully we'll have a GPS, but I still get nervous. I know that this is what Heavenly Father wants for us and that we will be ok. Maybe moving across the country is what we need to get our baby. Even if it's not, I know that everything will work out.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Man she's smart!

So the other day we went to grandma's house. M saw a computer sitting on the couch and asked if she could look at pictures. I told her that I didn't know how to get to the pictures, so she needed to wait until aunt J could come help her. I went and got a drink of water or something like that. I came back into the living room and M had the computer open and on her lap. I asked her what she was doing. She told me that she was looking at pictures. I went to see and sure enough she had gotten into aunt J's pictures. I have no idea how she knows how to get onto a computer, find the place the pictures are kept, open it and look at them. I can't figure out how to change the color of the text on this here blog. Maybe I should ask M. She probably knows!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Thank you!

You can all put your worried minds at ease! B came home to me unscathed! Except for the parking ticket he got, he was none worse for the wear and he got awesome pictures!This is my favorite picture that he got. The green is beautiful next to the ocean.
He was able to go out on the pier and see dolphins playing. I think dolphins seem so friendly. If I ever came in contact with one in the wild I might be tempted to play with it. I'm pretty sure I would try to make it jump out of the water by throwing my arm over my head. Ya know like they do at Seaworld? I'm sure the dolphin would jump!

He claims all he saw was dolphins. I'm pretty sure there's a good chance that this one could be a shark ready to eat him!

You can't see the picture very well, so I'll just tell you what it is. This is a PANTHER crossing sign. At first I asked him if there was a school nearby that had a panther as it's mascot. No, no there isn't. This sign isn't a joke either. Panthers cross in this area and the 4 surrounding miles. SCARY!
