Monday, March 5, 2018

Our visitors from the south came north and then more north

We love having visitor's. It takes a lot of love to make the awful drive from Utah to this ugly, smelly, boring place. There have been amazing people that have made the journey, and our hearts burst with happiness and thanksgiving when folks say they're coming our way. Welp, we can add some folks to the list. B J and S brought their little 'ens, D and L, and came for a visit! We were so excited to have them! I'm not much of a planner, especially when there isn't anything to do. We did have a great time playing in the church gym. I love having a key to the church. It makes me feel like I am part of an elite group. Now, If I could somehow get a library key too, that would beat all. When people find out I have a church key, their faces seem to light up a little and they ask in an almost reverent voice, do you have a library key too? When I tell them no, their faces fall and all the sudden they have a pressing matter that they need to take care of and they scurry off. I try to holler after them to wait because I have.... and then I can't think of anything to say that would compete with a library key so I just watch their backs as they walk away. I just seem to keep finding all the lines I should have stood in in Heaven, the boob line, the, not socially awkward line and the church library key line. I did muster up the courage to ask the executive secretary if I could get a library key and he truly laughed at me. No lie. He told me that that was not available for members of a presidency, but for presidents only. I can be part of the Costco club, I can be part of the no interest in  Harry Potter club but, I don't make the cut for the church library key club. Sad day. Anyway, I do have a church key and it makes me happy. We all had a great time playing basketball and throwing a football around.

Little B insisted on playing speed with a football. He didn't love that it didn't bounce as good as a basketball.

She was mostly interested in playing peek-a-boo.

A great time was had by all. Now, S and I did play a quick game of basketball which was a blast but of course when the picture takers are playing, no pictures are taken to document that it happened. It did. I lost. Big time. 

Bowling was next.

B got four strikes in a row. That's amazing! I get four gutter balls in a row. For some reason no one wants a picture of that.

We also saw a side of B J that we hope to never see again. We didn't know that S had taken this lovely picture, we just found it on the camera. The surprise was so big that it almost felt like Christmas!

We left our house and went way up north to Silver mountain. Ok, it's not way north, just three hours away. If we're being honest, ten minutes to the north feels like way north to me.  We had a great time swimming in the pool

Surfing on the flow rider with only one major fall that resulted in minor neck pain.

Doing the boogie board was a huge hit. K is so light that when he tried it the first time, the water pushed him right to the top and flipped him over. He got on again and loved it when he figured out how to stay in the water's flow.

The night was full of poking on B's veins and talking about how they are more like a hose than a vein. No joke that this went on for quite awhile. Mmmmmmmmk, weirdo's.

The real reason for the visit to Silver was so that they could go skiing. They loved it.

They loved skiing and loved having B J and D to ski with them. 

B loved having B J there to ski with too. These two are like two peas in a pod.  If you don't know B J and want to know what he's like, just think Kevin James. B J's  funny like Kevin James is and every time we watch something with Kevin James in it we laugh even harder because he reminds us so much of B J.  We loved having these amazing folk come and see us. We kept them up way too late playing games and talking. They put up with us like champs and we hope that we didn't scare them away forever. 
