Tuesday, January 19, 2010

...And the award for the best daddy goes to...

...The daddy that plays store with his little girl! M got a shopping cart for her birthday the other week. The shopping cart was the biggest hit. by far! Her new favorite thing to do is to play store. We go "shopping" around her bedroom for all the things we "need." I think my favorite part is when she tells whoever is being the cashier that she has coupons. Both B ans I really like to play with her because it is awesome to watch your kids have such a fun time.


  1. Isn't it amazing what an entertainment something so simple can be? Love the pictures! B is so cute with them! Miss you guys!

  2. M is looking all grown up already. So stinkin' cute.
    Miss you guys! Hope all is well!

  3. Also, is it okay if I post a link on my blog to this one so I know when you've made a new post??? If not, that's okay, just wanted to make sure it was before I did it.

