Monday, January 13, 2014

There's a first for everything

There comes a time in every one's life when a haircut is no longer a desire as much as a necessity.

This here is little B's first haircut. He was six weeks old and his hair was long and nasty. It was growing over his ears and the back of his shirt. We failed to document his second and third haircuts. Actually they were more like a trim. But, this past time it was a real deal. His hair was so long on top. Really it was only long in a couple spots. It was long enough that when we walked outside if there was a breeze, his long hair would blow in the wind. It was truly awful. B and I decided that something needed to be done about it.
This isn't a very good picture to show the length. It's just so cute that I couldn't pass putting it on. Ok for real this time, a picture of his long hair.
Gross! It wouldn't be so bad if it was that length over his entire head. But it's only that long in the back and over his ears. It was long enough that we could have put it in one of those spiky up pony tails that people with baby girls do sometimes. Anyway, we needed to take care of it. Now, I in no way profess to be a barber. I don't know how to get a nine month old baby to sit still whilst I cut his hair. So, we pulled the clippers out and just removed all of it.
Clearly he wasn't too thrilled with the idea. 

There were a couple moments when he wasn't totally screaming, but they were few and far between. Poor baby! So sad.

But it didn't take him too long to forgive me. His reward for excellent behavior was to get in the bath. That made everything better. I wish that I knew how to cut it so that we didn't have to buzz it, but, I don't and a buzzed head baby is better than a mullet head baby!


  1. He is so so cute! I want to squeeze his little cheeks so bad!

  2. I love the pic with his little lip sticking out in a pout...(and your tongue sticking out, lol) I still don't cut T's hair, I make J do it! Your super brave, and it turned out fab!

