Little B is old enough to go to nursery. That is a blessed Sunday in our lives and we truly count down the weeks until it can happen starting at about a year old. M and K had no problem going into nursery. The first Sunday both of them could go, they ran in and didn't look back. There were no tears. They were just excited to play with the toys and eat the snacks. It sounds like a really sweet set up if you ask me. Well, little B HATES nursery. He screams until he's red in the face. He doesn't even have to be in the actual room. If we walk down the hall towards nursery he starts crying and running the other way. Yesterday B dropped him off and about ten minutes later I had him in primary with me. Not great! I had left the primary room to go collect the rolls. I had to go to nursery to pick up the roll, he started to whimper as we walked down the hall. As we got to the door he started to scream and ran as fast as his little legs would take him into the Chapel. Thankfully it was empty, but he was not having anything to do with nursery. I don't know how to help him stay. Hopefully one Sunday he'll just fall in love with it and be ok. Anyway, I'm lazy and I hadn't bought him real Sunday clothes until just before he went to nursery. I don't like shopping and so to go find Sunday clothes for an almost 18 month old was not something I wanted to do. I found him some at a consignment store that was having a huge sale. It was cheap, it was cute and so we bought it and left.
Sunday arrived and I tried to take a picture of him standing up before we went to church, but there was a car on the floor (it seems like there are always cars on our floor) and so he sat down to play.
I did manage to get the car from him and get a smile. Cheesy as it is, at least he's smiling! I pray for the day that he will wear this cute little outfit in nursery without crying. Someday right?!
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