Thursday, February 9, 2012

"Where does Satan live?"

We had just gotten done with reading scriptures tonight when K asked were Satan lives. With all the class I could muster I blurted out,"Hell." Why do I say adult words in front of small children?! I swear sometimes I just don't think! Anyway B was not even a full breath behind me trying to clean up my mess by saying,"Well, we don't say that word. We should say outer darkness." Well of course K has already taken the frist word and said it 700 times in the three seconds since I said it. So then he gets a troubled look on his face and asks,"Where's Hell?" B once again corrected him by saying outer darkness and then he said,"I don't know really." Without even a pause K said,"Hell is on an airplane." I died laughing. I guess we all know how he feels about flying!


  1. Oh my gosh I think I just laughed a full 5 minutes with tears running down my face! That is so hilarious!!

  2. That was pretty funny....I feel the same way about flying too.

