Wednesday, February 29, 2012

When will the madness end?

So, I have an A-mazing friend that I was lucky enough to meet whilst I was still working. We've stayed in touch over the years. She and her three sweet children have gone through some really horrid things. She and some other women have started a blog called I don't know how else to help her except to spread the word. The laws that are set up to protect innocent people, especially children are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. If anything, they make the situation worse. I want to help change them, but I don't know how. I think that if we all use our vocies then maybe something will change right?


  1. i admire your friend and hope that her efforts are heard and taken to heart. it takes a very strong person to not only go through those terrible things, but to also fight back. and she is lucky to have you as a loyal friend :)

  2. Thanks T. Your the bestest best friend ever. I hope this works. I am so nervous. Luckily I have you as my unofficial therapist :) Love your guts. Your amazing and I am so thankful for you

