Sunday, August 11, 2013

Utah part II

Just because you didn't get enough from the last post, here's another one! This is a three generation picture. Not as cool as a four generation picture, but it's still pretty awesome!

 We were able to spend one blessed morning with the Tuckett's. Oh how we love this family and are so happy that we were able to see them. M loved having E to play with. Once they saw each other, they were inseparable.
 The same went for these two. We played and played and then we ate and played for a little while longer. When it was time to go, K cried and wanted to know when he was going to be able to play with C again. I know it's good for life to change, but it's so hard to make such great friends and then have to live so far away from them. Being able to spend time with them was really great!
 Yellowstone! We did a family reunion up at Island Park, Id. We were only about 20 minutes away from west Yellowstone. That just happens to be where Old Faithful is. We were able to go see it! We got there right after it had gone off. So we waited around for an hour and a half until it went off again. It was so awesome! We were right in the front and so B was able to get this awesome picture! The only bummer was that M and K were sick of sitting there waiting for it to go off. So, in the video we took of it you hear me saying things like, "knock it off! stop arguing! leave each other alone! turn around and watch it!" At least this picture turned out! Hopefully in the future we can all laugh about the screaming, fighting children and the frustrated mom that you hear on the video!
 This was at the huge craters that are in Yellowstone. The waterfall is boiling hot water and the river is cold. I wanted to touch the water a little ways away from the waterfall, but it was all fenced off, so I couldn't. I wonder if it would be warm or hot or if the water in the river is cold enough that it would just be cold. I'll add that to my list of questions I want to ask when I get to heaven.
 Boating at Island park was fun except there were green floaties in the water. It looked like lawn clippings. When you were launched into the water at high speeds from a tube behind a boat, the green stuff got all over you and had to be scrubbed off in the shower at home. It turned the inside of swimsuits green. It was pretty gross. Not gross enough to not get on the tube of course, but gross nonetheless! Little B didn't love being squished into a life jacket but was ok as long as the boat was moving.
 B was able to waterski! He hasn't done it in a really long time, so he was sore for three or four days, but loved it anyway. I guess it's like riding a bike and you don't forget how to do it. I think this picture is pretty sweet!
 M learned how to ride a four wheeler alone. She was really scared at first, but then she loved it and that's all she wanted to do.
 She even let K get on the back and get a ride. Now before you go call DCFS on us, this four wheeler has a governor on it that won't let it go above a certain speed. I totally love this picture!
 When we got home back from Island park, we went on a group date with some of my siblings and thier spouses. Clearly we went shooting. Shooting a gun is not fun for me. It actually scares me a lot. I don't like that a gun has so much power and that they're so loud. We had ear plugs and I still had to put my fingers in my ears. I will say that I love this picture. B loves to go shooting so he was like a fat kid in a candy store!
 This is the girls that went. From left to right it's, my youngest sister G, then my younger sister, S. I think her shooting with a pregnant belly is so cute! Anyway, I'm next, then my sister-in-law, J and then my older sister,S.
This is the boys. We didn't even plan to have them stand so when the pictures are under each other, they are lined up with their spouse. Left to right, my brother-in-law, J, my other brother-in-law, J, B is next. Then my younger brother, B and then my brother-in-law, J. If you go left to right the boy goes with the girl right above him. That's cool right? Anyway, our trip to Utah was fun. it was totally exhausting because we just went and went and went, but it was a lot of fun! We loved being with family and making so many good memories!

1 comment:

  1. It makes me so happy to see your family. I hope you are happy in North Carolina! We miss you tons!

