Monday, March 24, 2014

Shall we try soccer?

K really wanted to try playing soccer. He hasn't really showed any real interest until the last few months. We looked around and found a team that doesn't play games on Sunday. When we took him to register he could hardly wait for the season to start. When we took him to his first practice, he was the only one on his team that had never played before. The coach told everyone to do 10 toe touches on the ball and K just stood there not knowing what to do. The coach took extra time to show him how to do not only toe touches, but everything else that they were working on that night. K caught on pretty quick. Thankfully we aren't trying to prepare him for the world cup or anything. The kid loves the game! His first game was pretty awesome to watch. I keep telling B that someday I would love a fancy camera so that we can zoom in really good. Our camera wasn't able to zoom in far enough to get his ear to ear happy smile, but we were able to get a few pictures. A few? Who are we kidding. We all know that I have a problem taking about a million pictures at any given event even if we've been there before. I'll spare you most of them, don't panic! His coach had said that they were still little enough that there wasn't going to be a goalie. During practice they would just do kicking drills and work on passing the ball to each other. On the first game the coach found out that there was supposed to be a goalie. K was picked as the first one in the goalie box. My first thought was, oh dear! Good thing they don't keep score because I'm pretty sure that the other team is going to get the ball past K! The coach had been telling them a lot that they can't touch the ball with their hands. K has had it drilled into his cute little head. To put him in as goalie at the last minute and tell him as you're running away that he can pick the ball up and kick it has chance to go very very badly.
 This was what he looked like most of the time. B would try to yell across the field that he needed to watch for the ball. But, he liked to look at the back of the net, or the sky to see if there were any planes he could look at. Or pick the dead grass off his socks. More than once he stood at the back of the net with his fingers holding onto the net leaning forward and just hanging out while the game went on in front of him. One time he stuck his hands inside the green jersey thing. When we asked him why he did that he said that he wanted to see if he could just kick the ball and not touch it with his hands. B told him that as the goalie he can pick up the ball as long as it's inside the red box. K said,"I know, but I just wanted to see if I could do it without my hands." Good thing there wasn't anything shiny to catch his eye or all hope would have been lost of him blocking the ball!
He heard B yell that the ball was coming. He was all business! I do love this one. The team they played was a tough team, But K rose to the challenge!
He did it! He blocked the ball! When he kicked the ball away he was so excited! He never did touch it with his hands. He would only kick it, but he got the job done so that's what's important right?! He loves to play and loves to practice. The only bummer is that the level he's at is the last level that plays all their games on Saturday. If he wants to play next year, his games would be on Sunday's. We are hoping that they will change that so that he can play again next year too.

In other K news, he really wanted his hair spiky for church yesterday. We put gel in it and used a blow dryer to solidify the gel. He saw it and got a huge smile on his face. He wanted us to take a picture so we could send it to his teacher at school. He loved it so much that he wouldn't let anyone touch his hair and every few minutes he would ask if his hair was still standing up. I wish this picture wasn't so bright, but I love that you can see his dimple so good. B touched the top of the spikes, this was after church mind you, and K said,"Daddy! Don't touch my hair! I want it to stay standing up!" Then he looked at me and asked,"Mommy, is my hair still standing up? I want it to stand up for school tomorrow too." I told him that it was still standing up but after he slept on it all night we would have to do it again in the morning. I have never seen a little kid care so much about his hair. Hopefully this is just a phase and not an ongoing hair obsession!

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