Friday, October 26, 2012

Cute kids

Ya know when you feel like life is just normal and you have nothing to report? That's how our life has been lately. We do the same things every day. Daddy has school, M has school, K and I just hang out. The kiddos are excited for Halloween. Clearly, since M is wearing her witch hat while eating breakfast. Let's see, what else has been happening? They did go to the dentist the other day. Neither of them have cavities! That's good news. Truly, our lives are the same day in and day out. Not that I'm complaining, it's nice to know what's going to happen every day. We are all excited for the Holidays and the cooler weather that comes with them. The only bummer is that B has to do a 24 hour call shift on Thanksgiving. So, he'll have to stay at the hospital all day. Other than that, we're livin' the dream!


  1. Sometimes it is nice to have everything be status quo. Your kiddos are super cute. don't worry about Thanksgiving.....we got you covered....and Brian covered with leftovers!

  2. Steve had to do that one year too and they ended up letting him go home and made it home in time for our Thanksgiving feast. Don't get your hopes up with this school, but hey anything is possible. :) hang in there.

