Friday, June 24, 2011

Slumber party

When we put them to bed they were in their own beds. When I went to check on them I found them here. I thought it was cute, took a picture, moved them back into their beds.(Now when I say I moved them back into their beds I mean B moved them back into their beds. ;)) The next night I went to check on them and found them sleeping on the floor again. When I ask why they sleep on the floor, they tell me that they slept in their beds. Since I move them, they don't remember that they fell asleep on the floor. As long as they sleep I don't really care, I just can't imagine that it would be very comfortable. But then again I loved to sleep on the floor when I was little and as I type this, B is on the floor in our room sleeping. So maybe their just born this way.

1 comment:

  1. I love sleeping on the floor! I think it's so comfortable. I can totally understand the appeal.

