Friday, February 22, 2013

flipping out

The other day, B took M and K swimming. K got up on the side of the pool and said, "I want to do a back flip." B put his hand on K's back and flipped him over. He did that two more times and then K said he wanted to try it by himself. B told him that he could, but he needed to remember to jump out
                                                                     really far.
So, K tried it. He was able to do it the first time he tried. He loved it and did it over and over again.

Even though B is right next to him, I still panic that K's going to hit his head on the side of the pool. He's only tried to do a back flip in the shallow end once. When he landed he popped up and said,"That was awesome! did you see that mommy?!" I told him that I did and that he did awesome, but I really didn't want him to do a back flip in the shallow end. So, he got out and ran to the deep end.
He also taught himself how to do a front flip. I asked him which one was harder to do and he said the front flip. So, he sticks to the back flips while I watch and have small heart attacks every time he does it.

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