Thursday, February 28, 2013

All girl

M  l.o.v.e.s. to have her hair curled. I couldn't use a curling iron if my life depended on it. In fact, I don't even own one. Anyway, when we went to Utah last summer for my little sisters wedding, my older sister told me about these cool curler things. Although we've had them since June, M discovered them only about a week ago. She has asked every night since if I will put them in her hair so that it will be curly for school.

The cool thing about these is that they smash when you lay on them. So they don't hurt to sleep on.
 K wanted his picture taken too. If we're being perfectly honest, I'm a little surprised that he didn't ask for curlers in his hair too!

 This is what they look like the next morning when we take them out. The only bummer thing is that her hair doesn't hold curl very well. Even when I put gel and tons of hair spray, her hair still goes flat by the end of the day.
But, she loves it in the morning and although she won't admit it, she loves when she goes to school and her teacher tells her that she really likes her curly hair. I love that they are so fast and easy to put in and that I don't have to do her hair in the morning!


  1. So amazing! I am totally buying those!!

  2. Yay for easy hair in the morning!! That is the best!! She looks darling! What are they called?

