Sunday, March 24, 2013

A case of the cleaning bug

Yesterday B got a case of the cleaning bug. He wanted to clean out the garage. I'm not saying that I mind at all. It was awesome actually! I've been thinking for a long time that I need to pull everything out and sweep it out. I thought about doing it almost every day when I would see the little lizard's that had died and their bodies were left behind. But as we all know, I am really lazy and sweeping out the garage was not a huge priority. Anyway when B said that he was going to clean it, K got all excited to help him. He pulled out the brush that is supposed to be used to scrub the lanai, and used it first as a push broom and then as a mop!

He said that he was going to go over it twice, but the cleaning bug that had infected B left before K was done. So, B said it was time to be done after K had gone over the whole thing once. Having the garage floor swept and mopped is pretty awesome and I'm glad that it was someone else that did it and not me!

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