Friday, March 22, 2013

He's here!

There truly are no words to express how happy I am to not be pregnant any more! This here is BKB. He weighed 7'2 and was 18 1/2 inches long. He is a really good baby and even did a five hour sleep stretch last night! I was so excited about it that after I fed him and put him back to bed, I couldn't sleep!
 M is so happy that he's here. She had her heart set on a little girl. I asked her if she was disappointed that he was a boy, she said,"a little." But that was before she got to the hospital and held him and saw him. She LOVES him. She wants to hold him all of the time. She loves that she can feed him his bottle. This morning she fed him before she left for school. He spit up all over her shirt. She looked down and said,"GROSS!! Daddy take him! I have to change my shirt!" It was pretty funny!
K is so "escited" That he's a boy. He really wanted to have three boys in our family. My heart does feel a little bit sad because I think that K is having a pretty hard time having the baby around. He doesn't act really different, he's just off enough that I think he's struggling with it. The first night the baby was home from the hospital was a really bad night. He didn't fall asleep until 5:30 in the morning. It truly was a really long night. Anyway, the next day I told K that we should take B back to the hospital and let them deal with him during the night. He got all excited and said,"You're taking him back?!" I felt really bad. Hopefully when B's a little bit older, K will like having him around.
This is a picture from when K was born. We were still at the hospital and B was holding him. All the sudden he said he felt a really warm spot, he moved K and had been peed on! When I changed his diaper it was basically dry. It had gone out around the diaper and got B instead! I died laughing. I thought it was so funny! Well the other night B was holding B and said,"Oh man! I feel the same warm spot I have felt before"...

It had happened again! I laughed so hard I had a coughing fit. I love that it's on the same side and spot as when it happened with K. Truly, I am so so happy to not be pregnant any more. I am so thankful that he's here and that he's healthy!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! could he be any cuter?!?! im so happy that you are not pregnant anymore, for your sake, and the fact that you have such a sweet little addition is a fantastic bonus! i have my fingers crossed that his 5 hour stretch of sleep was not a fluke but a sign of great sleeping habits.

  2. You guys, he is sooooo precious and we love him already!!! I loved seeing pictures of everyone holding him...and then I realized there is one person in the family I DIDN'T see! I know how it feels though to not want any pictures of myself after having a baby. (I let them be taken anyway, just for documentation sake and for my kids who will probably want to see it when they're older.) But I am so so so happy he is born! We can't wait to meet him!!! We love you and can't wait to see you!!!

  3. He's so precious!!! It's wonderful that he is here and healthy and that you are doing well, too! We are excited to be able to meet this little man and get to know and love him like we love the rest of your wonderful family! We're sure he'll turn out to be as quintessential as you ALL are!!

  4. I am so glad that little guy is finally here! And now that I am FINALLY not sick anymore......I will be bugging you a lot 'cause I REALLY want to hold him!!

  5. LOL!!! Too funny!!! We cant' wait to meet the little guy!

