Sunday, March 24, 2013


What's owey you ask? One word, engorgement. That's all I have to say about that. Oh wait, no it's not! I have told B that when he runs things there's a long list of things he needs to change. The list includes, but is not limited to: the length of pregnancy, the fact that you have a baby, but still have contractions whilst your uterus shrinks. That you now have a sweet little baby, but still look like you're pregnant, thus the need to still wear maternity clothes even though you're NOT pregnant. Let's not even talk about the hormones that are totally out of control and cause one such as myself to have random two or three minutes of uncontrollable sobbing even though I'm not sad. Needless to say, engorgement also makes the list. It truly is awful and lasts far too long. Looking on the bright side it makes me realize that I truly NEVER want to have huge "milkers" if you will. I can't imagine spending good money on making them big when they just get in the way, cause back pain and make you look oddly proportioned. All I'm saying really is that engorgement truly is a terrible experience and I wouldn't wish it on an enemy!


  1. oh yeah, so not fun! hang in there, it'll be over soon :)

  2. Yikes. Do not miss that!! Good luck, hope you have regulated with all those fun adjustments!

