Two nights ago I was thinking that M and K had been going to bed so well lately. It truly filled my heart with so much happiness and joy. I didn't dare say anything about them going to bed good out loud. I figure that's like saying that you hope to never be called as a primary teacher at church. If you say it out loud, you'll for sure get that calling. So, I didn't want them going to bed good to change so I kept my joy to myself. I guess I shouldn't have even thought it. Last night did not go so smoothly. B had a scouting thing so I was on my own for the bedtime routine. I had them all tucked in snug like bugs in rugs and had gone downstairs. I knew they weren't sleeping when I heard the awful sound of little feet jumping. I take it as a personal attack when my personal time at night is interrupted. There's no starting to get annoyed, as soon as I know they aren't sleeping, I'm already bugged and have to remind myself to stay calm and ignore them. I listened to the little feet landing on the floor upstairs over and over and over. I felt like it went on forever, when it actually was probably only ten or fifteen minutes. Which, if you're interested is far too long to hear jumping above ones head. Anyway, the jumping stopped and the blessed quiet that comes from sleeping children ensued. The time from when all the kiddos are sleeping and us going to bed always seems to fly by. All too soon it was time to check on them and go to bed. When we walked into K's room I noticed his closet door was open. I cannot stand when a closet door is open, unless of course you're getting something out of it. But once you have retrieved the item, the door should be closed! Everyone that lives in this house knows that. Just thinking about leaving the closet door open gives me a little bit of anxiety. When I saw his closet door standing open I knew something was amuck. Then I saw the hanger hanging on a knob on his dresser. B made it to K's bed before I did and started to laugh. I looked up and asked what was funny. he pointed to K and this is what we saw.
That would explain all the jumping I heard. His life jacket was hanging in his closet, so he had to jump over and over to get it down. I don't know why he didn't just get a stool, but whatever. This is one of the times that I wanted to be in his head so bad! I want to know what he was thinking and playing. I also want to know what made him so tired that he laid down with his life jacket on and fell asleep. I asked him this morning why he had slept with his life jacket on. He got a huge smile on his face and just shrugged his shoulders. The smile made me want to be in his head even more to find out why. M sleeps in leotard's and socks and K sleeps in life jackets. As long as they sleep, I truly don't care what they wear!
How is that even comfortable enough to sleep in?! LOL!!!