Monday, January 26, 2015

Croup is really crappy!

Little B is the first kid in this family to have Croup. It's not great! He woke up late Saturday night with the cough. It's so weird to me that neither of our other kids had it, but we knew what it was as soon as we heard the cough. I can't believe how much he sounded exactly like a seal. I had heard that that's what it sounds like and I have heard a seal bark; but to have that sound come out of our little boy was a little unnerving. He also had a fever. I used to worry out loud about fevers until my dear husband told me that there really isn't any reason to get worked up over a fever unless it's about 104 or higher. So when we took his temperature and it was 103.1, I just freaked out on the inside. B on the other hand very calmly went to the cupboard and got the Tylenol. I was thinking about rushing him to the Emergency Room, having them take one listen to him and having them sing my praises for being such a concerned and loving mother that we would venture out at such a late hour to seek medical attention for a child who's fever was very high and who's cough was the worst sounding cough the hospital employees had ever heard. Instead, we gave him a teaspoon of Tylenol for the fever and held him until he was ready to go back to bed. He was awake an hour later because he couldn't breath or sleep while in his bed. We had tried shoving couch cushions under his mattress to try and elevate his head so hopefully he could sleep, yeah, that didn't seem to help at all. He wouldn't sleep unless I was holding him, so that's what I did. Needless to say, neither of us got a whole lot of sleep. of course I had sharing time on Sunday. Our primary has over 100 kids and most of them are in the Valiant 11 class. Most of the Valiant 11 class are annoyingly loud boys. Not a whole lot of sleep mixed with boys that were ripping the curtains and throwing little pieces of fabric at the heads of the kids in front of them while the teachers just sat there and watched, made for a less than spiritual experience in Sr. primary. Then in Jr. primary I didn't have enough things for all the kids to help with in the lesson, which I thought was pretty normal. Ya know, you tell them you're watching for reverent helpers. Well, one little girl didn't get a chance to help and burst into tears screaming that she had wanted to help. Not great, I felt so bad, but if every kid in our primary got to help every week, we'd never get to go home. We would just live at the church so that all 100+ kids could have a turn helping with sharing time. Anyway, now I know that before I do sharing time next month, I need about 15 hours of sleep the night before so I can be more prepared for the battle that lays ahead of me! When we got home B had evidence all over his shirt that little B had slept on him while we were gone. B said he didn't want to lay there the whole time we were at church, so he had scooted out form under little B and taken a picture.
 The poor thing just didn't feel very good. Thankfully he slept a lot better last night and even stayed awake until 10:00 this morning before he was so tired that he was almost asleep by the time I carried him upstairs and put him down for a nap. Croup is awful and we're really hoping that he feels all the way better really soon.

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