This afternoon as I was changing the washer and dryer, I heard M say to K,"Let's jump." As I walked through the livingroom to fold the clothes I saw them stacking the pillows. I told them that I didn't think it was a great idea because they could get hurt. Needless to say, they chose not to listen. I don't blame them, I remember standing on opposite ends of our livingroom, a kid on each end, with couch cushions in front of us and running full speed towards each other.
This picture is so sweet! I love that we caught it on camera! I was trying to sneak taking pictures so they didn't think I was encouraging this kind of behavior! It was so awesome to watch! On the inside I was cheering and saying, "Yeah! That was awesome!"
Getting the pillows ready for another round.
K was either way short of the pillows or he would over shoot them. I was worried that he was going to smack on the tile that sits right underneath our rug. As plush as the rug looks, the tile is still really hard and really close to the surface. He didn't get hurt, at least not that he let on to. He was laughing almost the entire time. They had a lot of fun. Since I loved slamming into my siblings when I was little, I just let them play. By the end I couldn't help it, I was laughing too. It was so cool!
I love the pictures that show mid-air flight. It looks so fun! I don't remember running towards each other to hit with the cushions but it sounds fun. Maybe Sharlynn and I can do that one weekend :-)