Saturday, February 26, 2011


What a cheese ball! B told her to smile and this is what he got. Our children love to go swimming. This past week they have gotten a lot more comfortable in the water.

I love love love this picture! M is teaching herself how to swim. She loves to jump in, sit on the bottom and then jump up to the surface. I stand really close to her to make sure that she's ok. She is actually pretty good. I love to watch her swim.
K used to have to be held, even with his floaties on. This last week he figured out that he will in fact float. He loves it! He will yell,"mommy! I floating to you!" Then he kicks his little legs until he gets to me. He also really likes to go backwards.

He too likes to jump into the water. He likes that he pops out of the water because of his floaties. He taught himself how to spit the water out of his mouth so it looks like a fountain. So when he comes up, he does the fountain and then happily kicks to the side so he can jump again. We're loving the weather and that we can go swimming while B is at school all day. This past week we went four times. It's awesome!


  1. You guys are total geeks, man! I love the pictures of them diving in. They make me laugh! :-)

  2. Looks like you guys are having loads of fun! The pics of them diving in are so rad!

  3. HELLO! M, your legs are so muscly, I'm super jealous!

